Business Development Consulting

From startup to sale and each stage in between, I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and executives build flourishing businesses. Although I specialize in helping professionals and small business owners grow their profits, I’ve also helped Fortune 500 companies transform their top sales people into client-centered sales consultants.

Create a “Blue Ocean” Strategy for Your Business

(Coaching/Consulting/Marketing Strategy/Product or Service Innovation)

Stop competing in the brutally competitive “red ocean” where your competitors define your product or service and your profit margins. Design an innovative offering that blows away your competition, opens new markets, and dramatically improves your profits. (also available as a retreat for key team members)

Neuro-science Based Consultative Sales Training

(Coaching/Consulting/Scripts/Training/Marketing Tools/Team Leadership)

Apply the latest discoveries from neuroscience and psychology to discover your prospect’s buying criteria and process. Learn what to say and what to do to close more and bigger sales with less time and effort. (also available as a workshop)

Irresistible Marketing and Sales Tools

(Consulting/Marketing Strategy & Tactics/Copywriting/Graphic Design)

Use the latest research from neuro-science to package and present your offerings in the most profitable way possible. Copywriting, PowerPoint, product and service brochures and spec sheets, PR, advertising copy, website copy, white papers, etc.

Attract Ideal Prospects with “Endorphin Events”

(Coaching/Marketing Strategy & Tactics/Event Design/Testing/Training)

Tap into Other People’s Networks with fun, novel, and time efficient events that leave a lasting impression. Attract prospects and centers of influence with an “irresistible” offer, put them in positive mood, build trust and connection, and start the sales process for your product or service. Establish a systematic method for identifying, attracting, and creating relationships with qualified prospects.

Build Your Business with Phenomenal Team Mates

(Coaching/Consulting/Resources/Forms/Questions/Selection Advise)

Hiring the right employees and vendors is one of the most important decisions you make. I will help you hire “A” quality workers and vendors. Develop a profile of the attitude, skills, and experience in new employees. Then identify and attract suitable candidates and screen them to select superstar employees for your business.

We’ll never look at our business the same way again. The relationship-based marketing, vision coaching, and endorphin mindset we’ve adopted has paid incredible dividends.

Not only does it put us on a higher level than our competition – it also enhances our personal quality of life. — Daniel Bryant, AAMS

Want something else?
Contact Steve to learn how he can help you
optimize your business and your quality of life.